“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Collin Powell
It’s graduation season, and for college seniors, that means it’s job-hunting season.
For most, this is a time to build hope and, while difficult, face rejection. But the feeling of landing your first job is worth it.
To save you from going into panic mode, here are three tips I learned along the way to landing my first job that can be helpful for your job search journey.
Get Organized
It’s simple, but it’s the truth! Organizational skills are extremely valuable in the working world. From countless client meetings to endless emails, it’s easy to lose pieces of information along the way. As a newbie in the industry, you’re going to feel overwhelmed at times, so before the impending stress kicks in, take the time to curate an organization system that works for you. Get a planner now, and start making daily to-do lists. Your future self will thank you because, after all, due dates don’t disappear after graduation.
Diversify Your Skill Set
These days having a degree in the field you’re looking to enter may not cut it alone. You want a great job and you deserve it, but so do the thousands of other people in this year’s graduating class. If your resume is sitting in a cluttered inbox of a hiring manager, what is going to make you stand out?

Take the time to learn a skill that is complimentary to your specialty. It could be something that helps to streamline your work or be the edge you need to land the position of your dreams.
As a communications and marketing double major, I had my sights set on a job in public relations. I quickly realized that to thrive in an increasing digital nature of the industry I needed to develop a multifaceted skill set. So while in school, I turned my passion for video editing into a useful tool by gaining experience in a production setting through internships. PR pros aren’t required to know how to concept, shoot and edit videos, but being able to create my own content gave me the edge up over other applicants and is actually the reason I secured my role at Devine + Partners as a digital news producer.
Get Comfortable With Rejection And Learn From It
I can guarantee that you will experience rejection more than once in your professional career. It might start with your first job application or it might be later down the line. Regardless of when it happens, it’s important to remember that it happens to everyone. Learn to accept criticism and make every experience one that teaches you something new.
For those graduating this year, congratulations! Take a step back and remember to breathe. You have the tools to be successful whether you start your career the second you receive your diploma … or a little bit later.

Devine + Partners is a public relations agency based in Philadelphia. We offer a full range of communications services – from message and content development and media relations to issues management and employee and community engagement.