I have never been a fan of February. Despite its shorter length it has always felt like a long, punishing month. It remains dark and cold, and the snow that I begged for two months ago is now a nuisance. Many of my normal activities are on hold– my friends are hibernating so there are fewer social engagements, running outside seems a bit crazy, and vitamin D is in short supply.
Despite the relentless snow and extreme cold, this year feels different. February actually has a lot to offer. Personally I am looking forward to completing my last major home project this month; beginning my training for my first Broad Street Run, along with my fellow D+Pers; and enjoying the built-in long weekend on the heels of Valentine’s Day next week.
At D+P, we are also fending off winter with a busy month. We are starting a new client engagement with the University of the Arts, connecting our client Smooth Fitness and their spokesperson Dorothy Hamill with Winter Olympics coverage, and celebrating Black History Month with the Mann’s Philadelphia Freedom Festival. President’s Day will be a great time to focus on our work with the Valley Forge Convention and Visitors Bureau, and all month long we are “gettin’ nerdy” while planning for the Philadelphia Science Festival this spring. The February frenzy will certainly launch us into March madness before we know it. No time for the winter “blahs” around here.