Get to Know Carlie, D+P Fall Intern

Get to Know Carlie, D+P Fall Intern

By D+P Interns

We connected with our latest cohort of D+P interns for a quick Q&A session. Read on below to learn more about Carlie, our Fall PR Intern!

Give us a little bit of background about yourself!

Hi! My name is Carlie Desjardins, and I am a senior public relations major at Temple University, graduating this fall! I’m from the great state of New Jersey, but my love for Philly and the Birds has grown exponentially while here. My interests in PR have changed over time, but I am currently drawn to the worlds of entertainment, hospitality and travel. Over the summer, I interned at Nike Communications, a creative communications agency in New York City, where I worked as a PR intern on their spirits team. Last fall, I joined the Philly PR Girl team as a public relations assistant, where I developed a passion for event planning.

Describe yourself in three words.

Driven, compassionate and witty.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Transparently, 5-year-old Carlie dreamed of being “Iron Girl”—not the superhero you might imagine, but the “girl who ironed clothes.” However, once chores became part of my routine, that dream quickly faded. After graduating high school, I set my sights on becoming an elementary school teacher and even majored in it for two years.

What’s something few people knew about you, but you wish they did?

I have a quietly cherished love for photography! In high school, I worked with film and had the opportunity to develop my own negatives and prints in the darkroom. My photography teacher and I even dreamed about one day opening a community darkroom together.

If you could give a piece of advice to your high school/younger self, what would it be?

“Coulda, shoulda, woulda.” Stop dwelling on past mistakes and focus on the decisions you can make now and in the future. It’s more productive to learn from the past and direct your energy toward positive action.

D+P Interns

D+P Interns