Get to Know Jaelyn, D+P Fall Intern

Get to Know Jaelyn, D+P Fall Intern

By D+P Interns

We connected with our latest cohort of D+P interns for a quick Q&A session. Read on below to learn more about Jaelyn, our Fall PR Intern!

Give us a little bit of background about yourself!

I am a senior public relations major at Temple University. Currently, I am the STARS/TSG coordinator for Temple’s chapter of PRSSA, social media director for our student-run radio station – WHIP Radio, and the secretary for Dare 2 Dance – a student-run dance team. I hail from a small town in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!

Describe yourself in three words.

I would describe myself as loyal, thoughtful and ambitious.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I wanted to be a professional singer and performer growing up. I was very involved in musical theater when I was younger.

What’s something few people knew about you, but you wish they did?

I wish more people knew how much I love to collect vinyl records. In high school, I received a record player, and ever since, I have been obsessed with collecting records.

If you could give a piece of advice to your high school/younger self, what would it be?

I would tell my high school self to not stress out about everything. Life will eventually work itself out. Additionally, to make sure to spend more quality time with family and friends.

D+P Interns

D+P Interns