Get to Know Joelle, D+P Summer Intern

Get to Know Joelle, D+P Summer Intern

By D+P Interns

We connected with our latest cohort of D+P interns for a quick Q&A session. Read on below to learn more about Joelle, our Summer Content Creation Intern!

Give us a little bit of background on yourself!

Hi! My name is Joelle DelPrete. I earned my media studies and production degree, including a
film certificate, from Temple University this May. Now, I’m working towards my masters in media
studies and will graduate in 2025. My goal after graduation is to work a creative job that allows
me to use production skills. I have a passion for videography and social media, and like being
outside whenever I can. I grew up in New England and so obviously love Dunkin Donuts- for
their coffee and exceptional social media presence!

Describe yourself in three words.

Determined, loyal and adventurous.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a singer or a photographer for National Geographic. I have
a guitar and a camera, so I’m halfway there!

What’s something few people know about you, but you wish they did?

I love summer camp! I grew up going to an overnight YMCA camp and became a counselor
there before the pandemic. I taught kids how to windsurf, kayak and play sports. My time at
camp taught me responsibility, passion and leadership skills I will carry with me for the rest of
my life. I love working with children and being outdoors, and anytime I can combine those
interests with content creation, I do!

If you could give a piece of advice to your high school/younger self, what would it be?

Be confident in yourself! Everything in life gets easier when you learn to love the person you
are, even as you grow and change.

D+P Interns

D+P Interns