I (Love Emoji) the New Facebook Reactions

I (Love Emoji) the New Facebook Reactions

By D+P Team


Sharing and engaging on social media is getting even more expressive. Yesterday marked the debut of the highly anticipated Facebook Reactions emojis. Now available to all 1.6 billion Facebook users, the spanking new social media icons allow you to not only like a post, but also love, haha, wow, sad or angry it. Imagine the possibilities!

It’s easy to use the new reactions. Users hover over the like button with their cursor and the reactions pop up – then, simply select the desired emotion. (If you’re using the Facebook app, make sure it’s updated!)

Facebook conducted research for pup2more than a year after the company was inundated with requests for a “dislike” button. In the end, they selected the emotions that were most popular and universally easiest to understand. So now when your friend gets dumped by their beau, you don’t have to awkwardly “like” it. (Wow emoji).

I cannot tell you how excited I was to try it out for myself: My friend Britt dog sits the most ADORABLE German Shepherd puppy named Ava and today I was able to LOVE her picture.

But not as many people are as excited earagaeraeraabout Facebook’s new feature as I am. In fact, some people are downright (angry emoji) due to Facebook’s disregard to original requests for a dislike button. According to Tech Insider, Facebook decided not to create a dislike button because the actions of liking and disliking are both too simple. Facebook concluded that there is a wide array of content shared every day and that users deserve a more sophisticated way to properly express emotions. Luckily, now they can share all the feels by using Facebook’s new feature!

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D+P Team

D+P Team

We are Devine + Partners, communications and content experts who specialize in public relations, issues management and content creation.