Rising Stars: The Healing Power of Storytelling in PR and Mental Health Advocacy
Interns Public Relations

Rising Stars: The Healing Power of Storytelling in PR and Mental Health Advocacy

By D+P Interns

By Ava Steneken

Moving to Philadelphia, a city rich with history and diverse voices, I have become increasingly drawn to how narratives shape our understanding of the world. This fascination only grew when I decided to study advertising and public relations in school, realizing that these stories have the power to influence public thought, decisions and behaviors.

In the realm of public relations, the connection between storytelling and mental health advocacy is not just incidental, it’s fundamental. Stories have the power to humanize abstract concepts, make statistics relatable and inspire action.

Through my classes at Temple University, I’ve learned how personal narratives can build trust with an audience. When people share their experiences, they create a connection that’s genuine and relatable. This authenticity is crucial in mental health advocacy. By sharing real stories from real people, PR campaigns can create inclusive communities that welcome everyone’s experiences. It’s not just about highlighting struggles, but also celebrating and encouraging resilience.

In PR, storytelling is about more than just pushing out information. It’s about engaging with your audience on a deeper level. By creating compelling narratives and immersive storytelling experiences, PR professionals can evoke emotional responses that leave a lasting impression. This emotional depth is what fosters a deeper connection between the audience and the brand or cause.

Storytelling has the power to make abstract concepts tangible. When advocating for mental health awareness, statistics and facts are important, but personal stories bring those numbers to life. They humanize the issue and make it relatable. PR professionals can harness this by featuring diverse stories in their campaigns, ensuring that different voices are heard and represented.

Personal stories can influence policymakers by putting a human face on issues. It’s one thing to read about mental health statistics, but it’s another to hear a story from someone who’s lived it. PR campaigns that effectively share these stories can drive public opinion and, ultimately, policy change.

Interning at Devine + Partners (D+P) has been an educational experience, showing me the inclusivity of the PR industry, especially locally in Philadelphia. I have gained first hand insights into how the D+P team crafts content that resonates with each of their various clients. Each project, whether it be for a nonprofit or corporation, is approached uniquely and with deep understanding.

One example that stood out to me was working alongside the D+P staff for VisionLink, an organization dedicated to assisting adults with vision loss in the Greater Philadelphia area. I admired the team’s comprehensive knowledge of not only their role as PR professionals but also the client’s mission, services and programming. D+P amplifies the voices of those positively impacted by VisionLink’s services through sharing success stories and promoting inclusivity. By showcasing how someone has regained independence through VisionLink’s classes and instruction or highlighting the emotional impact of community engagement, D+P ensures their approach to storytelling is both compassionate and impactful. This internship has both strengthened my appreciation for the industry and solidified my belief that storytelling is an essential tool for driving positive change.

Rising Stars is a series of thoughts, reflections and perspectives by the interns at Devine + Partners. Ava Steneken is a rising junior majoring in advertising at Temple University.

Devine + Partners is a Philadelphia public relations agency . We offer a full range of communications services – from message and content development and media relations to issues management and employee and community engagement.

D+P Interns

D+P Interns